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Caesar Salad like in New York

Classic variations are possible by adding: Grilled bacon, cut into strips Two or three salted anchovy fillets crushed in the dressing or a little anchovy paste from a tube Capers Fish instead of chicken, such as cold or grilled and warm cod fillets Other types of lettuce, such as iceberg lettuce Enjoy your meal! Source: http://newyorkmania.fr/2012/04/recette-salade-caesar-comme-a-new-york/

Course: Main course
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes


  • 1.   First thing to do: cut the two chicken fillets lengthwise into 3 equal parts. Cook them in a hot oiled pan at the beginning (to grill them and give them a nice color), then reduce the heat and cook for about ten minutes until they are cooked through.
  • 2.   If you want to make the recipe "American style," sprinkle half a teaspoon of powdered sugar or powdered sugar at the end of cooking, add the juice of half a lemon and mix well, letting it caramelize a little (be careful not to leave it too long, otherwise it will easily burn).
  • 3.   Set the meat aside and use the pan to add a little olive oil and grill the pieces of bread cut into small pieces until they turn a nice color (you can also add a few pinches of white sesame seeds at the end of cooking the croutons).
  • 4.   Prepare the salad by cutting off the root about two centimeters from the edge, then cutting it into 4-centimeter slices along the length. Cut each slice into 4 to obtain small squares of lettuce that you can rinse with cold water and set aside.
  • 5.   In a bowl, put the egg yolk, a teaspoon of mustard (or less if it is strong, it is not a mustard sauce!), a pinch of salt, and a little pepper. Mix until you get a homogeneous mixture, then add one or two teaspoons of olive oil and whisk the mixture like making mayonnaise.
  • 6.   Continue to slowly pour about a glass of olive oil while vigorously beating with the whisk. The sauce should thicken without separating and become firm enough. Do not let it become liquid again! This is the only delicate phase of the recipe. Some even say that it is better to do it on full moon nights... others the opposite. In short, it takes a little know-how, but it's not rocket science.
  • 7.   Now add the small glass of white vinegar and mix well. Also add the finely minced garlic clove. The sauce should lighten and become almost white.
  • 8.   Meanwhile, take the slice of Parmesan cheese and, using a vegetable peeler, cut shavings into a bowl. Use half of them by crushing them in the palm of your hand to crumble them and add them to the sauce (the other half will be used to decorate the dish).
  • 9.   You can also add cashews or roasted peanuts (the ones served as an appetizer) crumbled with a knife, and minced chives or parsley. The sauce should become quite thick.
  • 10.   Add a few drops of Worcestershire sauce (careful, not much more than a teaspoon in total, Worcestershire sauce is quite strong and could give a too pronounced taste of cloves and anchovies if you put too much). Mix everything well. The sauce is ready, now it's time to assemble the salad.
  • 11.   In a large salad bowl, arrange the lettuce and pour the sauce in the center, without mixing. Just before serving, reheat the chicken fillets and croutons by quickly sautéing them in the pan for a few moments. Arrange the fillets in a crown on top of the salad without sauce.
  • 12.   Squeeze the remaining half of the lemon over the chicken. Place the remaining Parmesan cheese shavings and the warm croutons.
  • 13.   There you have it! You have a superb Caesar salad in its original version. Be careful, you need to prepare the presentation at the last moment and serve immediately, otherwise the sauce will "cook" the salad, which should remain crisp. Mix the salad just before serving your guests, as Cardini's servers used to do in front of each table of customers, a spectacle in itself that made his reputation.

Notes & Suggestions

  • Average nutritional values per serving
    Energy 3,640.73 kJ / 880.87 kCal
    Fat 84.18 g, of which saturated 13.64 g
    Carbohydrates 5.60 g, of which sugars 2.33 g
    Fiber 1.61 g
    Protein 22.67 g
    Sodium 675.26 mg

Ingredients for servings

  • 30 cl of olive oil
  • 8 cashew nuts
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 3 cl of white vinegar
  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 1 slice of sliced bread
  • 6 g of mustard
  • 2 cl of Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 lettuce
  • 40 g of grated parmesan
  • salt (according to taste)
  • pepper (according to taste)

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