1. First, dissolve the 1/2 vegetable bouillon cube in a glass of very hot water (crushing it with a spoon).
2. In a skillet, sauté the onion, carrot sticks, and potato pieces in oil. Then add the chicken and sauté them. Add pepper and cumin (no salt, as the bouillon already contains enough).
3. Over medium heat (or high), add a little bit of bouillon and cover. Flip the chicken every ten minutes or so and gradually add more bouillon during cooking. This requires some attention. Indeed, you need to let the chicken "caramelize" a bit between each addition of bouillon, without letting the mixture burn.
4. Depending on the size of the vegetables and chicken, cook for about 35 to 40 minutes. The vegetables should have enough time to cook. Always check their doneness before serving.
5. Enjoy your meal!