1. Meatball preparation: Mix minced meat with finely chopped shallot, salt, and pepper in a bowl. You can also add an egg yolk to help bind the meat.
2. Using a scale, form meatballs of approximately 60g each.
3. Slice the onions and throw them into a hot wok with a drizzle of olive oil. After a few minutes, add 800g of crushed tomatoes and 400ml of tomato sauce. Let it simmer and stir.
4. In a small saucepan, add 40cl of water and slightly thicken 4 teaspoons of veal stock. Pour this mixture into the tomato sauce.
5. In a hot frying pan, brown the meatballs. Once browned, place them in the tomato sauce and let it simmer.
6. Simmer for 30 minutes on low heat.
Serve with rice or fresh pasta, for example.